Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Time Keeps on Ticking...

Once again life got way ahead of my ability to keep up with this blog. Perhaps one day I'll be able to come back to separate and elaborate on each event. Perhaps not. So, to at least serve as a marker of what's been going on with us, here's a reverse order, thanks to blogger....

Valentine's Day. Jenae came down with a fever and wasn't able to go to her party at school. We did receive roses in the mail and we tried to be happy about that!

A lovely bouquet from Jordan
One sick girl.Avery hasn't let anything slow her down. Although she has been fighting the same virus/fever plus more teething.
She's now officially on the move. The girl finally figured out how to crawl on Sunday afternoon. She turns 10 months next week, so it was about time.
Avery also started clapping and waving during our trip to Disney. Now she does it all the time. She's so proud of all she's learning.

Here's THE photo of our recent trip to Disney World. Jenae LOVES Cinderella. She's been dressing like her, complete with glass slippers, for over a year now. Getting to meet her face to face was a dream come true. We all loved watching these two together. It was worth the price of the whole trip!

It's tough to be a bug....
Cruising along in the rented stroller. It was so cold in Florida. Seriously!!! We had lows in the 30's and some days the highs didn't make it over 60. Burrr. I also say rented stroller because even though we gate checked our strollers, they didn't arrive for 2 days. Go figure!! Of course, this was a trip spent losing and finding things. Here's the short list of things that were lost: my cell phone, 2 strollers, tube of lipstick, credit card, Jordan's iPhone, clothes at the hotel...I'm sure there's more, but we're trying to block out those memories. :o)
Lovin' Mickey's Playhouse!
Back in January, Jenae had been on a kick about wanting to go on a picnic. We had one of those bizarre warm days, and went for it. At the playground after we ate...

Rub a dub, there's two girls in the tub. This sure makes bath time go quicker!!!
One of the nicknames Jenae gave Avery very early on was "Choo-Choo." Strange, yes. But, it stuck. In fact, most of the time we don't call her Avery. It is usually "Choo-choo," "Chewy" or some other variation. Jenae recently started called her "The Chooch." We're hoping that one doesn't stick.
Instead of trashing the diaper box, we decided to decorate it and play. The girls had so much fun pushing/being pushed around in the train. Here's Choo-Choo in her train.
We met the cousins in Abilene to see the Paramount's production of Aladdin back in January. One of my dear friend's daughter was performing so we all went and enjoyed a night on the town. Avery stayed home with Daddy. Jenae and I stayed in Abilene with the cousins and Shasha at a hotel.

Jaycie and Jenae with one of the "princesses."
We have been so busy and so blessed. Much of our time has been spent traveling and with family and we love those two things. Hopefully both girls will be well soon. We've been couped up since last Wednesday and it's about to push us all over the edge!
BTW, is it "normal" for a 9 month old to stop taking her morning nap? Mine has and I. Don't. Like. It.!!!!