Saturday, June 09, 2007

Country Livin'

So, we haven't bought Jenae a pool for the backyard this summer. I don't know why I keep putting it off. It is finally hot enough and Jenae loves the water. Perhaps it is because I've found an alternative:Okay, I know, at least it is in the backyard, so I'm not totally white trash!

Rylee's Birthday

This past Friday was Rylee's 7th birthday! We went to Brownwood to join the hotel swim party, sponsored by Shasha. When the planning began, Shasha asked Rylee if she wanted to bring a friend. Rylee answered, "Can Jenae come?" So we surprised her and had fun playing with the cousins.
Sisters, Abby & Rylee
All the cousins together!
Rylee, Abby, Jenae and Jaycie
These two have fun when they are together. Rylee has always been sweet to Jenae, from the first day at the hospital til today. I hope they continue to share a special friendship! Happy Birthday, Rylee!

My Dream Date

This is my husband. Not too long ago he planned the perfect surprise date for me. Looking back, I can recall conversations where I know he was gathering data, but at the time it was a surprise. We did all the things I love to do, but often don't have time to do. It started by dropping Jenae off at Shasha and Bappa's house! :o) A great start, huh?! He took me to a quick lunch and then to CVS where we picked up vacation pictures from last year...that he had uploaded and ordered, unknown to me. Then we drove across town to Hobby Lobby! Yeah! He gave me a shopping spree to get stuff to do our Disney scrapbook. What fun!
I knew we had dinner reservations later that day, so I kept wondering when we would have time to scrap since we'd still have to change and then stay the night at his parents'. Well, after driving around Abilene some more we pulled in here:

Who-hoo! No more Mommy duty for the whole evening! And, it was only 2:30! We had the whole day ahead of us! I was very excited. Now, here shows how sneaky Jordan was...he had loaded my srcapbook cart into the truck as well as my swimsuit and other things we wouldn't have needed if we were "just" going on a dinner date. This was all about me and things I enjoy! It was so lovely!

I scrapped *most* of the afternoon and Jordan even helped me some! Then we got ready to go out to dinner. We went to our favorite place in Abilene and realized we'd never been there alone. We'd always been with his parents or with Jenae in tow, or both. The big guy picked up the tab for the whole weekend! Thanks to some special ministry he had done we had some extra income that covered our time together!
We had so much fun just being together and resting and relaxing. It was nice to have no agenda, get to sleep late and enjoy each other. We ended our special date with a lite lunch here, my other favorite place in Abilene.

Jordan, thank you so much for loving me in all the ways you do. Thank you for such a fantastic weekend. You gave me more than I could have expected. I love you and can't wait to do it again! ;o)