Sunday, April 20, 2008

Big Belly, 38-39 Weeks

I can't believe I'm posting these pictures, but here goes. I kind of like this top one of Jenae and me, but I'm afraid it makes me look a bit larger than reality. So, I've included the one below for a different perspective and angle. The truth is that I have a big ole belly right now, and I'm ready for it to stop growing.
We went last Monday for a check-up and were given the kind of good news that isn't really good news, just something to hold on to for hope that this pregnancy will end soon. I was already at a 2 and 50% effaced, but obviously that hasn't done anything this week to make our little girl arrive. I was excited to learn I had lost 3 pounds from 2 weeks before! Although I'm certain that had a lot more to do with the food poisoning I got the night before than any healthy lifestyle I'm leading right now. We go back to the doctor in the morning and here's to hoping for an accidental breaking of the waters or a discussion about inducing soon. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

looking good! don't you hate how "those exams" really don't mean a thing! i always tell patients the same thing before i check them at the end of pregnancy.... "This only tells you what you are dilated RIGHT NOW. If you aren't dilated at all, doesn't mean you can't have a baby tonight. And, if you're 4 cm, it doesn't mean you WILL have a baby tonight. It's just what you are right now." Yet, most still put their hopes in those exams!
Praying for you to see this little one soon! I can confidently say to you that "it won't be long now." (duh!)