We all scream for ICE CREAM!! Here are some fun shots from the DQ last night. (Can you tell I'm enjoying my new camera?!) Jenae must have had a brain freeze because she was flashing smiles I'd never seen before: Poor Avery knew she was missing out on some yummy treats. Notice her fuzzy hair! She hasn't lost any of her hair since birth. In fact, it's growing really quickly. She's going to end up needing a haircut before Jenae :o) I don't care how long it grows, I just hope it will learn to lay flat--soon!
Sunday, May 4, was Avery's debut at the Winters Church of Christ. There is no doubt she is going to be well loved. We may end up seeing the worst in some of these "grandmas" as they fight over who gets to hold her. One lady even showed up early on Sunday evening hoping to be the first to hold Avery. She was disappointed to see Avery in someone else's arms already. :o)
We were all hanging out on the back porch yesterday afternoon when Jenae created this masterpiece. She's been drawing rainbows for a while now, but this was the first time she added sunshine. I thought she did a pretty awesome job!
Okay, so my house isn't the only thing that I'm getting behind in keeping up. Avery will be two weeks old tomorrow. Wow. There's lots to be said there, but I hope to get some pictures and post about these last two weeks tomorrow. Yeah...right! I still haven't put up pictures of Avery's nursery. And, as I've worked to fill out her baby book, I've looked back at Jenae's and know that my good intentions are "often" only that.
So, to get the most up-to-date events on the blog, here are pictures from Mayfest this past Saturday: