Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Geraniums in Bloom

We are having such a good time this Spring. I don't know if it's this country life we're living or if it's that Jenae is out and about this year, but it is so nice to feel the rhythm of the seasons. To be able to literally, day by day, watch the blooms on the plants open up is amazing. Of course, seeing everything new through a child's eyes adds a new element of wonder.

Jenae is taking such good care of the plants. She loves to get her watering can each day and make sure they get a drink. We still have to work on her aim, but she is so tender, making sure she does a good job. It is fun to go out into God's big world and match His creation with all the pictures we've seen and studied and named in her picture books.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are SO precious. I just love this little girl and the one behind the camera too.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone has a "green thumb" to help the plants.

She looks like a very capable horticulturalist.