Wednesday, July 18, 2007

4th of July

Momma's Lil' Firecracker!

We had such a fun 4th this year. The last couple of years we've been at church camp on July 4th, so it was nice to do more traditional things this year. Homie flew into Abilene in the morning. We did a few errands and then came back to Winters. After gathering all our gear we headed out to Lake Brownwood. A family from church has a lake house out there and many of our friends met out there to celebrate. Jenae was pumped! Anytime we drive by water (of any kind or size) she starts talking about the fish. So we kept telling her we were going to "where the fish live." When she saw the lake it was like "jackpot!" She was very excited. Lewis took us out for a ride in the boat, but it didn't take her too long to figure out we weren't getting in the water...just riding on top of it. She didn't like that...she wanted in the water...with the fish! :o) After we got back to the dock, our dear friend, Karen, took Jenae swimming with the fish. Jenae LOVES to swim.
After all the swimming we ate a delicious meal that Phil cooked. The man knows how to BBQ...brisket and ribs. So delicious! Jenae started fading fast...she only took a 45 minute we headed back to Winters and enjoyed watching all the fireworks in the country as we drove back.


Anonymous said...

What a fun way to spend 4th of July. Thank you for letting me come and hang out!


debbie said...

Sorry I didn't put your picture here, too, but it is down in it's own blog entry. You have one all to yourself :o)