Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm Back!!!

We are getting settled in Winters and we have so much to tell. Our lives have been quite busy over the last few months and I am so glad things are slowing down to a normal, easy pace. I'm ashamed at how much I haven't blogged about...even as we uploaded pictures from the camera I was surprised that they went all the way back to before Christmas!! That is a horrible blogger!

So now, I have many stories and even more photos and I'm not sure where to begin. I'm a little afraid that blogger will crash on me if I try to do too much at once so I'll break this up into small stories.

Many of you have been waiting anxiously to see pictures of the "parsonage." Here she is in all her glory! These are the pics we took before we moved in while they were still working on the house. When I get all of our stuff squared away I'll post new ones so you can see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The parsonage is cute!! I can't wait to see it in person. I am sure that you have done cute things to it to make it your own. Thanks for posting all the pictures and letting us in on the Hubbard Family!

Love ya, miss ya, mean it!
