Monday, July 16, 2007

Summer Days

I can't believe it is already the middle of July!! Where is this summer going? We aren't even doing youth ministry this summer and it is still flying by!
It is late right now, but I just finished editing and uploading our pictures from the camera. I wanted to share a few so you would know I hadn't forgotten that I still have a blog. Once I start posting what we've been up to, maybe you'll understand why I haven't had time to blog. I need to hurry, though, because we are off and running again on Sunday...Jenae and I are headed to Pennsylvania with Mimommie in the motorhome! That will be plenty to blog about!
Have a good night and hopefully I'll post more tomorrow! Also, a big YEAH! I finished our new church directory tonight! It goes in the mail tomorrow. I'm glad to be finished with that project!Reading to her babies

"Pony Tails!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...