Monday, December 03, 2007

'Tis the Season

We've had so much fun getting ready for Christmas this year. Decorating in a new house for the first time takes a little more thought than just putting everything out where you had it the year before. Jenae is being such a helper and her joy is contagious. We've done a lot of baking in the last week, too. We hosted a Christmas Open House and had to get all the goodies ready. Take a look:

Jenae was pretty excited to have her OWN Christmas tree in her room.
The early part of last week Jenae spent with Shasha so I could do some cleaning and cooking for our Open House. They made a "Cracker House" and we brought it home to help decorate for the party. So far we've only lost half a cracker to a hungry little girl.

Here she is ready to cook! She is sporting the new apron that Homie gave her for her birthday. Looks good, huh?!She was a good helper. I let her help measure flour and sugar and she did lots of stirring. My only rule was that Momma got to do the eggs all by myself. I wasn't taking any chances there. Later that day, I found Jenae up on her stool making eggs. She IS a big girl after all. And, she's TWO. "I can do it by myself!"

In case you couldn't tell here's a closer shot. Those are her play eggs. Complete with tags. She went to her room, to her kitchen set, got her own eggs and brought them to the kitchen. Smarty-pants! Momma and her helper!

Jenae also helped unwrap all the candies we used to make treats. It was a great job for her and she only tried to sneak a bite once...and I caught her! So it worked out well. She is so proud when she is able to contribute. And, most of the time, it really is help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you see all the sweet smiles on Jenae's face, that makes me want children...for about 5 seconds and then I rethink it. You both look cute getting prepared for your big event. Jenae looks cute in her apron! Can't wait to see you all at Christmas.

Love ya,