Monday, February 18, 2008

Jenae Pics

As if you couldn't get enough...

Here are some of the ways we fill our days lately:


Drawing pictures

Dancing with Daddy...while singing Little Mermaid songs

She loves her Daddy!
You may have noticed by now that in all her pictures lately Jenae has always accessorized her look. Everything from her jammies, t-shirts, Sunday dresses. The first thing she does each morning is to put on her necklace ("I careful with necklace"), earrings and princess watch. Okay, she doesn't put them on, she brings them straight to me to put on her. Even if I am still in bed, she will hand me her necklace first thing. Most days these are also accompanied by her Cinderella slippers ("Look, glass slippers!") that her Bappa bought for her at DisneyWorld. The only time these things come off is when she goes to sleep. You may think I'm exaggerating, but take a look back at her potty pictures. Purple nightgown, potty chair, and glass slippers.
Is there any turning back?! We have ourselves a girly-girl!


Anonymous said...

That looks like a "high powered paly dough set-up.

It's always good to see "Ring around the rosie" in operation.

Grandma and Grandpa

Anonymous said...

I can't help but think of Steven Curtis Chapman's new song when I see Jordan dancing with Janae!
