Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Look out, Pillsbury!

I think I'm an official homemaker now. That is me with a homemade apple pie and two other homemade pie crusts just waiting to be filled with pumpkin. Who really needs a Pillsbury frozen pie crust anyway?

Now, before you think I've gone off the deep end or if your sitting there thinking it appears I have too much free time for someone raising an one-year-old, let me explain. First of all, it is 11:34 pm and the apple pie is just now baking in the oven. So, forget about all that free time. Second of all, it is Christmas Blessing time at our church and that means all the Middle School girls get to learn how to make homemade pies. (Much more about the Blessing in the next couple of days.) Since I head up the teaching team this year, that puts me in charge of this project. Did I mention I've never made a pie from scratch before? Yeah, now tell me if this isn't the blind leading the blind. Thankfully, as with many things, if you just follow the directions it isn't too difficult. Or so I think. The real test will come tomorrow night when the ladies who know how to make pies have to eat mine! Now, that scares me. (Quick affirmation: Jordan just walked in the kitchen to tell me it's really beginning to smell yummy in here!!)

So, if you have time Wednesday night, just say a prayer for me, the 20+ middle school girls, and all my volunteers who will be making pies at church.


Anonymous said...

Who took that great picture of you? You make me proud, Debbie. You do a great job of teaching the girls and raising our daughter! And now, baking pies! Now let's see if those chocolate chip cookies can be created...

Smileyneel :O) said...

Now you've done, you've gone and lived up to your blog name! Making homemade pies and not just that, but the crusts too!! AWESOME! It really isn't so hard if you just follow the recipe! They look good in the picture, so how did they taste?? love ya, Karen