Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Avery's First Tea Party

I'm not sure I like it, but I seem to be in a much bigger hurry for Avery to "grow up" than I ever was with Jenae. Although I think I know why I feel this way. I can hardly wait for all the fun these two are going to have together. These are sweet days that I want to treasure, but I'm always looking forward to tomorrow...and the next day...and the next. May God bless us with many glorious days together!
I don't know when this happened, but this is where I found the tea set this morning:

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh Debbie - I know exactly what you mean!!! I can't wait for my girls to be friends and entertain each other! I don't want to wish away Landry's "babyhood," but I do look forward to that.